Source code for saturnin.protocol.iccp

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-present The Firebird Projects <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
# PROGRAM/MODULE: saturnin
# FILE:           saturnin/protocol/
# DESCRIPTION:    Internal Component Control Protocol
# CREATED:        16.11.2020
# The contents of this file are subject to the MIT License
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
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# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
# copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# Copyright (c) 2020 Firebird Project (
# All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Pavel Císař (original code)
#                 ______________________________________
 # pylint: disable=W0201. W0613

"""Saturnin Internal Component Control Protocol


from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Dict, List, Union, Type, Iterable, Final
import uuid
import traceback
from struct import pack, unpack
from enum import IntEnum, Enum
from firebird.base.types import ANY
from firebird.base.signal import eventsocket
from firebird.base import protobuf
from firebird.base.config import ZMQAddress, Config, ConfigProto, PROTO_CONFIG
from saturnin.base import (InvalidMessageError, StopError, PROTO_PEER, PeerDescriptor,
                           Channel, Protocol, Message, Session, RoutingID, TZMQMessage,

[docs] class MsgType(IntEnum): """Control message type. """ READY = 1 REQUEST = 2 OK = 3 ERROR = 4 STOP = 5 FINISHED = 6
[docs] class Request(Enum): """Service Controller Request Codes. """ CONFIGURE = b'CONF'
[docs] class ICCPMessage(Message): # pylint: disable=R0902 """Service Control Message. """ def __init__(self): #: Type of message self.msg_type: MsgType = None def __str__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__qualname__}[{'NONE' if self.msg_type is None else}]" __repr__ = __str__
[docs] def from_zmsg(self, zmsg: TZMQMessage) -> None: """Populate message data from sequence of ZMQ data frames. Arguments: zmsg: Sequence of frames that should be deserialized. Raises: InvalidMessageError: If message is not a valid protocol message. """ try: self.msg_type = MsgType(unpack('!H', zmsg[0])[0]) if self.msg_type is MsgType.READY: proto = protobuf.create_message(PROTO_PEER, zmsg[1]) self.peer = PeerDescriptor.from_proto(proto) proto = protobuf.create_message(protobuf.PROTO_STRUCT, zmsg[2]) self.endpoints = {} for k, v in protobuf.struct2dict(proto).items(): for i in range(len(v)): v[i] = ZMQAddress(v[i]) self.endpoints[k] = v elif self.msg_type is MsgType.ERROR: self.error = zmsg[1].decode('utf8') elif self.msg_type is MsgType.FINISHED: self.outcome = Outcome(zmsg[1].decode()) self.details = [v.decode('utf8', errors='replace') for v in zmsg[2:]] elif self.msg_type is MsgType.REQUEST: self.request = Request(zmsg[1]) if self.request is Request.CONFIGURE: self.config = protobuf.create_message(PROTO_CONFIG, zmsg[2]) except Exception as exc: raise InvalidMessageError("Invalid message") from exc
[docs] def as_zmsg(self) -> TZMQMessage: """Returns message as sequence of ZMQ data frames. """ try: zmsg = [pack('!H', self.msg_type)] if self.msg_type is MsgType.READY: zmsg.append(self.peer.as_proto().SerializeToString()) zmsg.append(protobuf.dict2struct(self.endpoints).SerializeToString()) elif self.msg_type is MsgType.ERROR: zmsg.append(self.error.encode('utf8', errors='replace')) elif self.msg_type is MsgType.FINISHED: zmsg.append(self.outcome.value.encode('utf-8', errors='replace')) zmsg.extend(v.encode('utf-8', errors='replace') for v in self.details) elif self.msg_type is MsgType.REQUEST: if self.request is Request.CONFIGURE: zmsg.append(self.config.SerializeToString()) except Exception: # pylint: disable=W0703 traceback.print_exc() return zmsg
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: """Clears message data. """ self.msg_type = None for attr in ('peer', 'endpoints', 'error', 'request', 'config'): if hasattr(self, attr): delattr(self, attr)
[docs] def copy(self) -> Message: """Returns copy of the message. """ msg = self.__class__() msg.msg_type = self.msg_type if self.msg_type is MsgType.READY: msg.peer = self.peer.copy() msg.endpoints = self.endpoints.copy() elif self.msg_type is MsgType.ERROR: msg.error = self.error elif self.msg_type is MsgType.REQUEST: msg.request = self.request if self.request is Request.CONFIGURE: msg.config = protobuf.create_message(PROTO_CONFIG) msg.config.CopyFrom(self.config) return msg
[docs] def get_keys(self) -> Iterable: """Returns iterable of dictionary keys to be used with `.Protocol.handlers`. Keys must be provided in order of precedence (from more specific to general). """ return [self.msg_type, ANY]
[docs] class _ICCP(Protocol): """Internal Component Control Protocol (ICCP). Used by Saturnin internally for component/controller transmissions. """ #: string with protocol OID (dot notation). OID: Final[str] = '' # #: UUID instance that identifies the protocol. UID: Final[uuid.UUID] = uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_OID, OID)
[docs] def __init__(self, *, session_type: Type[Session] = Session): """ Arguments: session_type: Class for session objects. """ super().__init__(session_type=session_type) self._msg: ICCPMessage = ICCPMessage() self.message_factory = self.__message_factory
def __message_factory(self, zmsg: TZMQMessage = None) -> Message: "Internal message factory" self._msg.clear() return self._msg
[docs] def validate(self, zmsg: TZMQMessage) -> None: """Verifies that sequence of ZMQ data frames is a valid protocol message. If this validation passes without exception, then `.parse()` of the same message must be successful as well. Arguments: zmsg: ZeroMQ multipart message. Raises: InvalidMessageError: If ZMQ message is not a valid protocol message. """ if not zmsg: raise InvalidMessageError("Empty message") try: msg_type = MsgType(unpack('!H', zmsg[0])) except Exception as exc: raise InvalidMessageError("Invalid message type") from exc if msg_type is MsgType.READY: try: PeerDescriptor.from_proto(protobuf.create_message(PROTO_PEER, zmsg[1])) except Exception as exc: raise InvalidMessageError("Invalid data: peer descriptor") from exc try: protobuf.create_message(protobuf.PROTO_STRUCT, zmsg[2]) except Exception as exc: raise InvalidMessageError("Invalid data: endpoints") from exc elif msg_type is MsgType.ERROR: try: zmsg[1].decode('utf8') except Exception as exc: raise InvalidMessageError("Invalid data: error message") from exc elif msg_type is MsgType.REQUEST: try: req = Request(zmsg[1]) except Exception as exc: raise InvalidMessageError("Invalid request code") from exc if req is Request.CONFIGURE: try: protobuf.create_message(PROTO_CONFIG, zmsg[2]) except Exception as exc: raise InvalidMessageError("Invalid data: config") from exc
@property def logging_id(self) -> str: "Returns _logging_id_ or <class_name>" return getattr(self, '_logging_id_', self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] class ICCPComponent(_ICCP): """Internal Component Control Protocol (ICCP) - Component (client) side. Used by Saturnin internally for component/controller transmissions. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *, session_type: Type[Session] = Session, with_traceback: bool=False): """ Arguments: session_type: Class for session objects. with_traceback: When True, stores traceback along with exception in ERROR/FINISHED. """ super().__init__(session_type=session_type) self.with_traceback: bool = with_traceback self.handlers.update({MsgType.READY: self.wrong_message, MsgType.REQUEST: self.handle_request, MsgType.OK: self.wrong_message, MsgType.ERROR: self.wrong_message, MsgType.STOP: self.handle_stop, MsgType.FINISHED: self.wrong_message, })
[docs] def accept_new_session(self, channel: Channel, routing_id: RoutingID, msg: ICCPMessage) -> bool: """Validates incoming message that initiated new session/transmission. Arguments: channel: Channel that received the message. routing_id: Routing ID of the sender. msg: Received message. Returns: Always False (transmission must be initiated by Component). """ return False
[docs] def connect_with_session(self, channel: Channel) -> bool: """Called by :meth:`Channel.connect` to determine whether new session should be associated with connected peer. As ICCP require that connecting peers must send a message to initiate transmission, it always returns True. Arguments: channel: Channel associated with controller. """ return True
[docs] def wrong_message(self, channel: Channel, session: Session, msg: ICCPMessage) -> None: """Handle wrong message received from controller. Arguments: channel: Channel associated with controller. session: Session associated with controller. msg: Message sent by controller. Raises `.StopError`, which in turn calls `.on_exception` from `.handle_msg`. """ raise StopError("Wrong message received from controller")
[docs] def handle_invalid_msg(self, channel: Channel, session: Session, exc: InvalidMessageError) -> None: """Event handler for `.on_invalid_msg`. Calls `on_stop_component` with exception. Arguments: channel: Channel associated with controller. session: Session associated with controller. exc: Exception raised. """ self.on_stop_component(exc) super().handle_invalid_msg(channel, session, exc)
[docs] def handle_exception(self, channel: Channel, session: Session, msg: ICCPMessage, exc: Exception) -> None: """Event handler for `.on_exception`. Calls `on_stop_component` with exception. Arguments: channel: Channel associated with controller. session: Session associated with controller. msg: Message sent by controller. exc: Exception to handle. """ self.on_stop_component(exc) super().handle_exception(channel, session, msg, exc)
[docs] def handle_stop(self, channel: Channel, session: Session, msg: ICCPMessage) -> None: """Process `STOP` message received from controller. Calls `on_stop_component`. Arguments: channel: Channel associated with controller. session: Session associated with controller. msg: Received message. """ self.on_stop_component()
[docs] def handle_request(self, channel: Channel, session: Session, msg: ICCPMessage) -> None: """Process `REQUEST` message received from controller. Arguments: channel: Channel that received the message. session: Session instance. msg: Received message. """ result = self.ok_msg() try: if is Request.CONFIGURE: self.on_config_request(msg.config) except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=W0703 result = self.error_msg(exc) if not (err_code := channel.send(result, session)): raise StopError("Send to controller failed", err_code=err_code)
[docs] def ready_msg(self, peer: PeerDescriptor, endpoints: Dict[str, List[ZMQAddress]]) -> ICCPMessage: """Returns `READY` control message. Arguments: peer: Component descriptor. endpoints: Component endpoints. """ msg: ICCPMessage = self.message_factory() msg.msg_type = MsgType.READY msg.peer = peer.copy() msg.endpoints = endpoints.copy() return msg
[docs] def ok_msg(self) -> ICCPMessage: """Returns `OK` control message. """ msg: ICCPMessage = self.message_factory() msg.msg_type = MsgType.OK return msg
[docs] def error_msg(self, exc: Exception) -> ICCPMessage: """Returns `ERROR` control message. Arguments: exc: Exception to send. """ msg: ICCPMessage = self.message_factory() msg.msg_type = MsgType.ERROR if self.with_traceback: msg.error = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(type(exc), exc, exc.__traceback__)) else: msg.error = str(exc) return msg
[docs] def finished_msg(self, outcome: Outcome, details: Union[None, Exception, List[str]]) -> ICCPMessage: """Returns `FINISHED` control message. Arguments: outcome: Outcome of componentn run. details: Additional information. """ msg: ICCPMessage = self.message_factory() msg.msg_type = MsgType.FINISHED msg.outcome = outcome if isinstance(details, Exception): if self.with_traceback: msg.details = traceback.format_exception(type(details), details, details.__traceback__) else: msg.details = repr(details) elif details is None: msg.details = [] else: msg.details = details.copy() return msg
@eventsocket def on_stop_component(self, exc: Exception=None) -> None: """`~firebird.base.signal.eventsocket` called when commponent should stop its operation. Arguments: exc: Exception that describes the reason why component should stop. If not provided, the component should stop on controller's request. """ @eventsocket def on_config_request(self, config: ConfigProto) -> None: """`~firebird.base.signal.eventsocket` called when controller requested reconfiguration. Any exception raised by event handler is returned back to controller via ERROR message. Arguments: config: New configuration provided by controller. """
[docs] class ICCPController(_ICCP): """Internal Component Control Protocol (ICCP) - Controller (server) side. Used by Saturnin internally for component/controller transmissions. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *, session_type: Type[Session] = Session): """ Arguments: session_type: Class for session objects. """ super().__init__(session_type=session_type) self.handlers.update({MsgType.READY: self.handle_ready, MsgType.REQUEST: self.wrong_message, MsgType.OK: self.handle_oef, MsgType.ERROR: self.handle_oef, MsgType.STOP: self.wrong_message, MsgType.FINISHED: self.handle_oef, })
[docs] def wrong_message(self, channel: Channel, session: Session, msg: ICCPMessage) -> None: """Handle wrong message received from component. Arguments: channel: Channel associated with component. session: Session associated with component. msg: Message sent by component. Raises `.StopError`, which in turn calls `.on_exception` from `.handle_msg`. """ raise StopError("Wrong message received from component")
[docs] def handle_invalid_msg(self, channel: Channel, session: Session, exc: InvalidMessageError) -> None: """Event handler for `.on_invalid_msg`. Calls `on_stop_controller` with exception. Arguments: channel: Channel associated with component. session: Session associated with component. exc: Exception raised. """ self.on_stop_controller(exc) super().handle_invalid_msg(channel, session, exc)
[docs] def handle_exception(self, channel: Channel, session: Session, msg: ICCPMessage, exc: Exception) -> None: """Event handler for `.on_exception`. Calls `on_stop_controller` with exception. Arguments: channel: Channel associated with component. session: Session associated with component. msg: Message sent by component. exc: Exception to handle. """ self.on_stop_controller(exc) super().handle_exception(channel, session, msg, exc)
[docs] def handle_ready(self, channel: Channel, session: Session, msg: ICCPMessage) -> ICCPMessage: """Process `READY` message received from component. Arguments: channel: Channel associated with component. session: Session associated with component. msg: Message sent by component. Returns: Received READY message if it's the first one from component. Raises: StopError: If it's NOT first READY received from component. """ if hasattr(session, 'ready'): raise StopError("Unexpected READY message from component") session.ready = True return msg
[docs] def handle_oef(self, channel: Channel, session: Session, msg: ICCPMessage) -> ICCPMessage: """Process `OK/ERROR/FINISHED` messages received from component. It simply returns the message. Arguments: channel: Channel associated with component. session: Session associated with component. msg: Message sent by component. """ if msg.msg_type in (MsgType.OK, MsgType.FINISHED) and not hasattr(session, 'ready'): raise StopError(f"Unexpected {} message from component") return msg
[docs] def stop_msg(self) -> ICCPMessage: """Returns `STOP` control message. """ msg: ICCPMessage = self.message_factory() msg.msg_type = MsgType.STOP return msg
[docs] def request_config_msg(self, config: Config=None) -> ICCPMessage: """Returns `REQUEST.CONFIG` control message. Arguments: config: Configuration for component. """ msg: ICCPMessage = self.message_factory() msg.msg_type = MsgType.REQUEST msg.request = Request.CONFIGURE msg.config = protobuf.create_message(PROTO_CONFIG) if config: config.save_proto(msg.config) return msg
@eventsocket def on_stop_controller(self, exc: Exception) -> None: """`~firebird.base.signal.eventsocket` called when controller should stop its operation due to error condition. Arguments: exc: Exception that describes the reason why component should stop. """