Usage Guide

The Saturnin package contains the basic runtime environment for Firebird Butler services, and forms the basis of the Python implementation of the Firebird Butler platform. The Butler services themselves are not part of the base distribution, and packages with these services must be installed separately. The basic set of services for Saturnin is distributed as saturnin-core package.

The basic concepts on which Saturnin is built are described in introduction to Firebird Butler.

For instructions how to install and setup Saturnin on your machine, see the Getting Started guide.

Basic Architecture

Saturnin can be divided into two main parts:

  1. Basic modules for implementing Butler services in Python. This documentation provides only the reference guide for these modules. Instructions (and examples) for their use for creating Butler services for the Saturnin platform are part of the documentation for the saturnin-sdk package.

  2. Tools for managing and running Butler services, and their composition into functional units. This user guide describes this part of the platform.

Butler Services

Saturnin currently supports two types of Butler services:

  1. Standard Butler services. These services use the FBSP protocol and work in client/server mode.

  2. Microservices. These are primarily data processing services that use the FBDP protocol for communication within the data processing pipeline.

Butler services are implemented as Python classes in Saturnin. Service properties are defined by a standard ServiceDescriptor structure, which is registered during installation using a standard entry point in saturnin.service group.

Service containers

Because services are classes, they cannot be invoked directly. Saturnin provides special containers / utilities for running services:

  1. The saturnin-bundle tool provides an environment for running multiple services in separate threads. It can be used both for running related services (eg data processing pipelines) and for centralized operation of unrelated services.

  2. The saturnin-service tool allows you to run only one service, but allows that service to run either in the main process thread or in a separate thread.

Service containers can also be run as daemons using the saturnin-daemon tool.

Any number of such service container processes can be started. The definition of parameters of the runtime environment, the list of services to be executed and their configuration is described in a special configuration file called Saturnin recipe.

Although it is possible to use these containers directly, Saturnin offers a much more convenient way for normal operation in the form of integrating recipes directly into the saturnin console.

Saturnin recipes

Saturnin uses configuration objects based on firebird.base.config module. These objects could be initialized from / persisted to text files with classic .INI file structure. Single configuration file could be used to initialize multiple configuration objects, and Saturnin always uses ConfigParser with extended interpolation support to process these files.

; this is a comment
# this is also comment
parameter1 = value
parameter2 =
  this is

parameter1 = value
; interpolation for value in the same section
parameter2 = ${parameter1}
; interpolation for value in different section
parameter3 = ${section:parameter1}

Saturnin recipes contain configuration information that describes:

  1. Recipe parameters (SaturninRecipe)

  2. Container configuration. Used section(s), their name(s) and structure depend on used container. By default:

    • the saturnin-bundle container uses a “bundle” section with a ServiceBundleConfig structure that refers to the configuration sections of individual components.

    • the saturnin-service container uses a “service” section with a ServiceExecConfig structure. The same section is then used to configure the running component.

  3. Configuration of components (sections used to set up particular component configuration objects)

  4. Optional logging configuration

  5. Optional trace configuration

Here is a sample recipe to print Firebird log on screen using two Saturnin microservices:

; 1. Recipe parameters
recipe_type = bundle
execution_mode = normal
description = Simple recipe that print log from local Firebird server.

; 2. Bundle content
agents = from-server, writer

; Helper section to centralize definition of shared parameters
name = pipe-1
address = inproc://pipe-1

; 3. Confguration of components
agent = 212657dc-2618-5f4b-a8f5-d8d42e99fe7e
pipe = ${pipe:name}
pipe_address = ${pipe:address}
pipe_mode = bind
pipe_format = text/plain;charset=utf-8
server = local

agent = 4e606fdf-3fa9-5d18-a714-9448a8085aab
pipe = ${pipe:name}
pipe_address = ${pipe:address}
pipe_mode = connect
pipe_format = text/plain;charset=utf-8
filename = stdout
file_format = text/plain;charset=utf-8
file_mode = write

Saturnin applications

Recipes are primarily clearly defined and static. The Saturnin application mechanism is available for the implementation of dynamic recipes. These are specific user-defined commands for the saturnin console that can be associated with specific recipes. Instructions for creating applications, including examples, can be found in the Saturnin SDK documentation.

Saturnin console

The saturnin tool is used to manage the Saturnin platform installation. It can be operated in two modes:

  • Single command (direct) mode. The required command and parameters are entered directly on the command line, and after the command is executed, the tool is terminated.

  • Interactive console mode activated by running the tool without additional parameters. The interactive console offers an enhanced command line with persistent command history, command and parameter completion, and interactive help.


The command set available in console mode differs from command set available in direct mode, as some commands (typically those required to run only once or not very often like initialize or create home) are available only in direct mode.

For normal work, we recommend using the interactive console mode. In the following sections, all the commands described are entered in the interactive console.

Saturnin environment

Saturnin uses a number of files and directories whose location in the file system corresponds to the standards for the platform on which it is installed. This basic directory placement scheme can be changed by using the SATURNIN_HOME environment variable, which sets the root of the other directory locations. Alternatively, you can create a "home" subdirectory in the root directory of the virtual environment in which Saturnin is isolated.


Because on Linux or MacOS the default location of some directories may require higher than normal access rights, we recommend that you always use the home directory setting on these platforms.

To set the home directory in the virtual environment (recommended when installing with pipx), use the command:

> saturnin create home

Saturnin directories and configuration files are created with:

> saturnin initialize


It is safe to run initialize on an already initialized environment because existing directories or configuration files are not overwritten by default.

Run saturnin initialize --help for a complete description of the command and available options.


saturnin console provides list directories command, that prints all directories used by Saturnin. An existence check is performed, and status of each directory is indicated with (exists) and (missing) marks.

> list directories
╭─ Saturnin directories ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ SATURNIN_HOME is set to     : /home/saturnin/home                                                   │
│ Saturnin configuration      ✔ /home/saturnin/home/config                                            │
│ Saturnin data               ✔ /home/saturnin/home/data                                              │
│ Run-time data               ✔ /home/saturnin/home/run_data                                          │
│ Log files                   ✔ /home/saturnin/home/logs                                              │
│ Temporary files             ✔ /var/tmp/saturnin                                                     │
│ Cache                       ✔ /home/saturnin/home/cache                                             │
│ User-specific configuration ✔ /home/user/.config/saturnin                                           │
│ User-specific data          ✔ /home/user/.local/share/saturnin                                      │
│ PID files                   ✔ /home/saturnin/home/run_data/pids                                     │
│ Recipes                     ✔ /home/saturnin/home/data/recipes                                      │

If any directory is listed as missing, it’s necessary to run saturnin initialize command.

Configuration files

The saturnin console provides several configuration-related commands:

  1. Command list configs prints all configuration files used by Saturnin. An existence check is performed, and status of each file is indicated with (exists) and (missing) marks.

    > list configs
    ╭─ Configuration files ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
    │ Main configuration     ✔ /home/job/python/projects/saturnin/home/config/saturnin.conf               │
    │ User configuration     ✔ /home/pcisar/.config/saturnin/saturnin.conf                                │
    │ Console theme          ✔ /home/job/python/projects/saturnin/home/config/theme.conf                  │
    │ Firebird configuration ✔ /home/job/python/projects/saturnin/home/config/firebird.conf               │
    │ Logging configuration  ✔ /home/job/python/projects/saturnin/home/config/logging.conf                │
  2. Command create config to create particular configuration file with default content.

    While all required configuration files are created by saturnin initialize command, optional files could (or must) be created with this command. This command could be also used to quickly reset any configuration file to default values.


    > create config [OPTIONS] {main|user|firebird|logging|theme}
    Creates configuration file with default content.
    ╭─ Arguments ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
    │ *    config_file      {main|user|firebird|logging|theme}     Configuration file to be created       │
    │                                                              [default: None]                        │
    │                                                              [required]                             │
    ╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
    │ --new-config          Create configuration file even if it already exist.                           │


    The Firebird configuration file is optional as Saturnin is not stricly bound to Firebird RDBMS, and this configuration is needed only when you want to use Firebird-related services. To create this file, the firebird-driver must be installed.


    The logging configuration is optional. When defined, it’s automatically used by all Saturnin containers. To use per-container logging configuration, it’s necessary to use the --conifg container option with separate logging configuration file.

  3. Command show config to show content of particular configuration file.


    > show config [OPTIONS] {main|user|firebird|logging|theme}
    Show content of configuration file.
    ╭─ Arguments ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
    │ *    config_file      {main|user|firebird|logging|theme}     Configuration file                     │
    │                                                              [default: None]                        │
    │                                                              [required]                             │
  4. Command edit config to edit configuration file content with prefered editor (uses EDITOR environment variable or editor parameter of main or user configuration file).


    > edit config [OPTIONS] {main|user|firebird|logging|theme}
    Edit configuration file.
    ╭─ Arguments ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
    │ *    config_file      {main|user|firebird|logging|theme}     Configuration file                     │
    │                                                              [default: None]                        │
    │                                                              [required]                             │

Data files

Saturnin uses number of data files:

  1. Registry of installed services.

  2. Registry of installed applications.

  3. Registry of OIDs.

  4. Saturnin console command history.

  5. Default log file.

The saturnin console command list datafiles prints paths to all data files used by Saturnin. An existence check is performed, and status of each file is indicated with (exists) and (missing) marks.

> list datafiles
╭─ Saturnin data files ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ Installed services     ✔ /home/home/data/services.toml                                              │
│ Installed applications ✔ /home/home/data/apps.toml                                                  │
│ Registered OIDs        ✔ /home/home/data/oids.toml                                                  │
│ Console history        ✔ /home/home/data/saturnin.hist                                              │
│ Default log file       ✔ /home/home/logs/saturnin.log                                               │


All these files may not exist when Saturnin is installed and initialized.

  • Service and application registries are updated automatically when packages are (un)installed by the Saturnin console. If these registries are not synchronized with installed services and applications (for example, when developing your services), they must be updated separately with the update registry command.

  • The OID registry is optional enhancement, and not necessary for Saturnin operation.

  • The console command history is managed automatically.

  • The default log file is optional, as it’s used by default logging (also optional) configuration.

Managing Saturnin packages

Saturnin Butler services, Applications and other extensions must be installed into Saturnin virtual environment before they could be used. Saturnin uses standard pip utility to manage Python packages, and the console provides several commands that use the pip version installed in Saturnin virtual environment.


While you can call the pip from this virtual environment directly, it’s strongly recommended to use Saturnin console commands, as they ensure that Saturnin registries are in sync with installed packages.

  1. Command install package.

    Installs Python package into Saturnin virtual environment via pip.


    This command is used also to upgrade installed packages using -U or --upgrade option.


    install package [options] <requirement specifier> [package-index-options] ...
    install package [options] -r <requirements file> [package-index-options] ...
    install package [options] [-e] <vcs project url> ...
    install package [options] [-e] <local project path> ...
    install package [options] <archive url/path> ...

    To list all available options, use ?install package or install package --help.

  2. Command uninstall package.

    Uninstalls Python package from Saturnin virtual environment via pip.


    uninstall package [options] <package> ...
    uninstall package [options] -r <requirements file> ...

    To list all available options, use ?uninstall package or uninstall package --help.


    This command invokes pip uninstall command with implicit --yes parameter, so you’re not asked for confirmation.

  3. Command pip.

    Runs pip package manager in Saturnin virtual environment.


    pip <command> [options]

    To list all available commands and options, use ?pip or pip --help.

  4. Command list packages lists installed distribution packages with Saturnin components.


    This command does not list ALL packages installed in Saturnin virtual environment, but only those that contain registered Saturnin components. To list all installed Python packages, use: pip list command.


    > list packages
            Installed Saturnin packages
    │ Package                        │ Version │
    │ saturnin-example-dummy         │ 0.1.0   │
    │ saturnin-core                  │ 0.8.0   │
    │ saturnin-example-app-dummy     │ 0.1.0   │
    │ saturnin-example-textio        │ 0.1.0   │
    │ saturnin-example-app-printfile │ 0.1.0   │
    │ saturnin-example-roman         │ 0.2.0   │
  5. Command list services.

    Lists installed Saturnin services.


    list services [OPTIONS]
    ╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
    │ --with-name        TEXT  List only services with this string in name                                │


    > list services
                                         Registered services
    │ Service                         │ Version │ Description                                    │
    │ saturnin.binary.reader          │ 0.1.1   │ Binary data reader microservice                │
    │ saturnin.binary.writer          │ 0.1.1   │ Binary data writer microservice                │
    │ saturnin.example.roman          │ 0.2.0   │ Sample ROMAN service                           │
    │ saturnin.example.textio         │ 0.1.0   │ Sample TEXTIO microservice                     │
    │ saturnin.firebird.log.fromsrv   │ 0.2.1   │ Firebird log from server provider microservice │
    │ saturnin.firebird.log.parser    │ 0.2.1   │ Firebird log parser microservice               │
    │ saturnin.firebird.trace.parser  │ 0.1.1   │ Firebird trace parser microservice             │
    │ saturnin.firebird.trace.session │ 0.1.1   │ Firebird trace session provider microservice   │
    │ saturnin.micro.dummy            │ 0.1.0   │ Test dummy microservice                        │
    │ saturnin.proto.aggregator       │ 0.2.1   │ Protobuf data aggregator microservice          │
    │ saturnin.proto.filter           │ 0.2.1   │ Protobuf data filter microservice              │
    │ saturnin.proto.printer          │ 0.2.1   │ Protobuf data printer microservice             │
    │ saturnin.text.linefilter        │ 0.2.1   │ Text line filter microservice                  │
    │ saturnin.text.reader            │ 0.2.1   │ Text reader microservice                       │
    │ saturnin.text.writer            │ 0.2.1   │ Text writer microservice                       │
  6. Command list applications.

    Lists installed Saturnin applications.


    list applications [OPTIONS]
    ╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
    │ --with-name        TEXT  List only applications with this string in name                            │


    > list applications
                                Registered applications
    │ Application             │ Version │   Used    │ Description                 │
    │      │ 0.1.0   │     ✖     │ Test dummy application      │
    │ │ 0.1.0   │     ✔     │ Print text file application │


    Applications that are used in registered recipes are marked as Used.

  7. Command show service.

    Show information about installed service.


    show service [SERVICE_ID]
    ╭─ Arguments ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
    │   service_id      [SERVICE_ID]  Service UID or name                                                 │


    > show service saturnin.binary.reader
    UID:            3db461de-f32e-5514-910d-7d021a2436a5
    Name:           saturnin.binary.reader
    Version:        0.1.1
    Vendor:         The Firebird Project
    Classification: binary/reader
    Description:    Binary data reader microservice
    Distribution:   saturnin-core


    The Vendor attribute normally displays the UUID of the vendor. If UUID is found in the OID registry, the OID name is displayed instead.

  8. Command show application.

    Show information about installed application.


    show application [APP_ID]
    ╭─ Arguments ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
    │   app_id      [APP_ID]  Application UID or name                                                     │
       > show application
       UID:            c4aa5f0b-74b7-55ea-8fc8-e3eb41335049
       Version:        0.1.0
       Vendor:         The Firebird Project
       Classification: text/print
       Description:    Print text file application
       Distribution:   saturnin-example-app-printfile


    The Vendor attribute normally displays the UUID of the vendor. If UUID is found in the OID registry, the OID name is displayed instead.

  9. Command update registry.

    Updates registry of installed Saturnin components.

    The registry is updated automatically when Saturnin packages are manipulated with built-in install, uninstall or pip commands. Manual update is required only when packages are added/updated/removed in differet way.


    update registry


Commands list packages, list services, list applications, show service and show application work with Saturnin registries. They will not provide accurate information if these registries are not synchronized with installed packages (see update registry command).

OID registry

The Firebird Butler spec recommends using UUID for identification purposes, and Saturnin follows that recommendation. Since standard UUIDs are not very suitable for ordinary users, UUIDs derived from the much more understandable OID are used.

Specifically, Saturnin uses version 5 UUIDs - UUIDs based on a SHA-1 hash of a namespace identifier (which is a UUID) and a name (which is a string).

The Firebird project has its own OID registered with IANA - (which in full-name form is and maintains its own OID tree on GitHub, see the firebird-uuid repository. Firebird Butler, Saturnin, solution providers, protocols, etc. all have their own OID nodes and thus specific UUIDs (and names).

To facilitate work with UUIDs, Saturnin’s own OID registry is provided, which is used to translate between UUIDs and OIDs, display additional information, etc. Before using this registry, it is necessary to fill the appropriate records with the update oids command.

  1. Command update oids.


    update oids URL
    ╭─ Arguments ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
    │   url      URL   URL to OID node specification                                                      │
    │                  [default:                                                                          │
    │        ]       │


    OID names are available along with UUIDs in command completion once OID registry is updated.

  2. Command list oids

    Lists registered OIDs.


    list oids [OPTIONS]
    ╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
    │ --with-name        TEXT  List only OIDs with this string in name                                    │
    │ --show-oids              Should OIDs instead UUIDs                                                  │


    > list oids --with-name protocol
                          Registered OIDs with name containing 'protocol'
    │ OID Name                                         │ UUID                                 │
    │ firebird.butler.protocol                         │ 15ab5c16-00e4-5fec-8928-c5d785d66729 │
    │ firebird.butler.platform.saturnin.protocol       │ 2068f86d-9154-58aa-acb2-b09cca9f9d18 │
    │ firebird.butler.platform.saturnin.protocol.dummy │ 4c546e1d-f208-50fb-8b67-100520cb599f │
    │ firebird.butler.platform.saturnin.protocol.iccp  │ 9b7ac9a3-d684-5955-b0ae-2f69e8666868 │
    │ firebird.butler.protocol.dummy                   │ a86ff2d2-73eb-593f-8b14-f2f7af0233d1 │
    │ firebird.butler.protocol.fbsp                    │ 98bd50a9-5863-551d-b19a-a76e2b2ee4d4 │
    │ firebird.butler.protocol.fbdp                    │ 34209338-6370-5e24-a28a-802814e6327c │
  3. Command show oid

    Show information about OID.


    show oid [OID]
    ╭─ Arguments ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
    │   oid      [OID]  OID name or GUID                                                                  │


    > show oid firebird.butler.platform.saturnin
    UID:          46cd9e8a-c697-5cb5-abb5-bceac5a17075
    Node name:    saturnin
    Full name:    firebird.butler.platform.saturnin
    Description:  Firebird Butler Development & Deployment Platform in Python 3, also provides reference
                  implementations for Firebird Burtler standards
    Contact:      Pavel Císař
    Node spec.:
    Node type:    NODE
    Parent spec.:

Working with recipes

Recipes describing component configuration (including structural composition) can be used in two ways:

  1. As a required parameter for the saturnin-service and saturnin-bundle tools. This method is particularly suitable for the development and testing of saturnin-based solutions.

  2. As executable commands in saturnin console. This method is preferred for routine deployment of already created solutions.

Saturnin console works with its own recipe repository. Recipes can be created directly in the console, or recipes created in another way can be installed (e.g. from the solution supplier or from the Saturnin application). All registered recipes can then be activated directly with the run command.


Due to the above, there is a restriction on the uniqueness of the recipe name. However, the same recipe can be installed repeatedly, under different names (e.g. if several different variants of the recipe are needed).


In addition to multiple installations of similar recipes under different names, different variants can be created directly in the recipe. This is because a recipe can contain multiple sections describing the running components. When activating the recipe, you can specify (using the --section option) an alternative name for the section describing the components used.

The names and structure of the sections differ according to the container used.

By default:

  • the saturnin-bundle container uses a “bundle” section with a ServiceBundleConfig structure that refers to the configuration sections of individual components.

  • the saturnin-service container uses a “service” section with a ServiceExecConfig structure. The same section is then used to configure the running component.

The saturnin console provides next commands for work with recipes:

  1. Command create recipe.

    Creates a recipe template that uses the specified Butler services. Such a template contains only default settings and usually needs to be modified to achieve the desired results.


    The newly created recipe is automatically opened in the default editor for necessary modifications. After saving, the recipe is automatically registered under the run command, so it can be run immediately.


    create recipe [OPTIONS] NAME COMPONENTS...
    ╭─ Arguments ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
    │ *    recipe_name      NAME           Recipe name                                                    │
    │                                      [default: None]                                                │
    │                                      [required]                                                     │
    │ *    components       COMPONENTS...  Recipe components                                              │
    │                                      [default: None]                                                │
    │                                      [required]                                                     │
    ╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
    │ --plain          Create recipe without comments                                                     │
  2. Command list recipes.

    Lists installed (registered) Saturnin recipes.


    list recipes


    > list recipes
                                               Installed recipes
    │ Name       │ Type    │ Execution mode │ App │ Description                                           │
    │ master     │ BUNDLE  │ NORMAL         │  ✖  │ This is all-in-one bundle recipe with various         │
    │            │         │                │     │ alternatives.                                         │
    │ log-print  │ BUNDLE  │ NORMAL         │  ✖  │ Sample processing pipeline for log from local         │
    │            │         │                │     │ Firebird server.                                      │
    │ dummy      │ SERVICE │ DAEMON         │  ✖  │ Dummy service for test purposes.                      │
    │ print-file │ BUNDLE  │ NORMAL         │  ✔  │ Print text file.                                      │
    │ test       │ BUNDLE  │ NORMAL         │  ✖  │ Not provided                                          │
  3. Command show recipe.

    It analyzes the content of the recipe and displays its structure and configuration according to the default sections of the container configuration. If the recipe contains several variants, it is necessary to enter the name of the specific section for the configuration of the container to display them.

    Alternatively, it is possible to display the entire recipe in text form (with syntax highlighting).


    show recipe [OPTIONS] RECIPE_NAME
    ╭─ Arguments ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
    │ *    recipe_name      TEXT  Recipe name                                                             │
    │                             [default: None]                                                         │
    │                             [required]                                                              │
    ╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
    │ --section        TEXT  Configuration section name                                                   │
    │                        [default: None]                                                              │
    │ --raw                  Print recipe file content instead normal output                              │
    │ --help                 Show this message and exit.                                                  │


    > show recipe log-print
    Name:        log-print
    Type:        BUNDLE
    Exec. mode:  NORMAL
    Executor:    DEFAULT
    Description: Sample processing pipeline for log from local Firebird server.
      Recipe components (default section)
    │ Cfg. name   │ Component                     │ Version │ Description                                 │
    │ from-server │ saturnin.firebird.log.fromsrv │ 0.2.1   │ Firebird log from server provider           │
    │             │                               │         │ microservice                                │
    │ log-parser  │ saturnin.firebird.log.parser  │ 0.2.1   │ Firebird log parser microservice            │
    │ log-print   │ saturnin.proto.printer        │ 0.2.1   │ Protobuf data printer microservice          │
    │ writer      │ saturnin.text.writer          │ 0.2.1   │ Text writer microservice                    │
      from-server configuration
    │ Parameter               │ Value                            │
    │ agent                   │ 212657dc26185f4ba8f5d8d42e99fe7e │
    │ logging_id              │ None                             │
    │ stop_on_close           │ True                             │
    │ pipe                    │ pipe-1                           │
    │ pipe_address            │ inproc://pipe-1                  │
    │ pipe_mode               │ BIND                             │
    │ pipe_format             │ text/plain;charset=utf-8         │
    │ batch_size              │ 50                               │
    │ ready_schedule_interval │ 1000                             │
    │ server                  │ local                            │
    │ max_chars               │ 65535                            │
      log-parser configuration
    │ Parameter                      │ Value                                                             │
    │ agent                          │ a93975c3d8c45e19b89809391cafa8d8                                  │
    │ logging_id                     │ None                                                              │
    │ propagate_input_error          │ True                                                              │
    │ input_pipe                     │ pipe-1                                                            │
    │ input_pipe_address             │ inproc://pipe-1                                                   │
    │ input_pipe_mode                │ CONNECT                                                           │
    │ input_pipe_format              │ text/plain;charset=utf-8                                          │
    │ input_batch_size               │ 5                                                                 │
    │ input_ready_schedule_interval  │ 1000                                                              │
    │ output_pipe                    │ pipe-2                                                            │
    │ output_pipe_address            │ inproc://pipe-2                                                   │
    │ output_pipe_mode               │ BIND                                                              │
    │ output_pipe_format             │ application/x.fb.proto;type=saturnin.core.protobuf.fblog.LogEntry │
    │ output_batch_size              │ 50                                                                │
    │ output_ready_schedule_interval │ 1000                                                              │
      log-print configuration
    │ Parameter                      │ Value                                                              │
    │ agent                          │ a58a9b30117a529e8084b9f8daf96d3e                                   │
    │ logging_id                     │ None                                                               │
    │ propagate_input_error          │ True                                                               │
    │ input_pipe                     │ pipe-2                                                             │
    │ input_pipe_address             │ inproc://pipe-2                                                    │
    │ input_pipe_mode                │ CONNECT                                                            │
    │ input_pipe_format              │ application/x.fb.proto;type=saturnin.core.protobuf.fblog.LogEntry  │
    │ input_batch_size               │ 5                                                                  │
    │ input_ready_schedule_interval  │ 1000                                                               │
    │ output_pipe                    │ pipe-3                                                             │
    │ output_pipe_address            │ inproc://pipe-3                                                    │
    │ output_pipe_mode               │ BIND                                                               │
    │ output_pipe_format             │ text/plain;charset=utf-8                                           │
    │ output_batch_size              │ 5                                                                  │
    │ output_ready_schedule_interval │ 1000                                                               │
    │ template                       │ {data.timestamp.ToDatetime()!s}                                    │
    │                                │ {utils.short_enum_name('saturnin.core.protobuf.SeverityLevel',dat… │
    │                                │ {utils.short_enum_name('saturnin.core.protobuf.fblog.FirebirdFaci… │
    │                                │ data.facility):10} {data.code} {data.message}{utils.LF}            │
    │ func                           │ None                                                               │
      writer configuration
    │ Parameter               │ Value                            │
    │ agent                   │ 4e606fdf3fa95d18a7149448a8085aab │
    │ logging_id              │ None                             │
    │ stop_on_close           │ True                             │
    │ pipe                    │ pipe-3                           │
    │ pipe_address            │ inproc://pipe-3                  │
    │ pipe_mode               │ CONNECT                          │
    │ pipe_format             │ text/plain;charset=utf-8         │
    │ batch_size              │ 5                                │
    │ ready_schedule_interval │ 1000                             │
    │ filename                │ stdout                           │
    │ file_format             │ text/plain;charset=utf-8         │
    │ file_mode               │ WRITE                            │


    > show recipe --raw log-print
    recipe_type = bundle
    execution_mode = normal
    description = Sample processing pipeline for log from local Firebird server.
    agents = from-server, log-parser, log-print, writer
    agent = 212657dc-2618-5f4b-a8f5-d8d42e99fe7e
    pipe = pipe-1
    pipe_address = inproc://${pipe}
    pipe_mode = bind
    pipe_format = text/plain;charset=utf-8
    server = local
    agent = a93975c3-d8c4-5e19-b898-09391cafa8d8
    ; Filter config
    input_pipe = pipe-1
    input_pipe_address = inproc://${input_pipe}
    input_pipe_mode = connect
    input_pipe_format = text/plain;charset=utf-8
    input_batch_size = 5
    output_pipe = pipe-2
    output_pipe_address = inproc://${output_pipe}
    output_pipe_mode = bind
    output_batch_size = 50
    agent = a58a9b30-117a-529e-8084-b9f8daf96d3e
    ; Filter config
    input_pipe = pipe-2
    input_pipe_address = inproc://${input_pipe}
    input_pipe_mode = connect
    input_pipe_format = application/x.fb.proto;type=saturnin.core.protobuf.fblog.LogEntry
    input_batch_size = 5
    output_pipe = pipe-3
    output_pipe_address = inproc://${output_pipe}
    output_pipe_mode = bind
    output_batch_size = 5
    template = {data.timestamp.ToDatetime()!s}
    {utils.short_enum_name('saturnin.core.protobuf.fblog.FirebirdFacility', data.facility):10} {data.code}
    agent = 4e606fdf-3fa9-5d18-a714-9448a8085aab
    pipe = pipe-3
    pipe_address = inproc://${pipe}
    pipe_mode = connect
    pipe_format = text/plain;charset=utf-8
    ;filename = /home/job/python/data/parsed.log
    filename = stdout
    file_format = text/plain;charset=utf-8
    file_mode = write
  4. Command edit recipe.

    Edit recipe.


    edit recipe RECIPE_NAME
    ╭─ Arguments ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
    │ *    recipe_name      TEXT  Recipe name                                                             │
    │                             [default: None]                                                         │
    │                             [required]                                                              │
  5. Command install recipe.

    Installs a new recipe from an external recipe file or from an installed application. Once installed, recipe can be executed immediately with the run command.


    It performs only basic recipe validation, i.e. that required sections (recipe + container) are present, and that components required by recipe are installed.


    install recipe [OPTIONS]
    ╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
    │ --recipe-name        TEXT  Recipe name (default is recipe file name / application name)             │
    │                            [default: None]                                                          │
    │ --recipe-file        FILE  Recipe file. Mutually exclusive with --app-id                            │
    │                            [default: None]                                                          │
    │ --app-id             TEXT  Application UID or name                                                  │
    │                            [default: None]                                                          │
  6. Command uninstall recipe.

    Uninstall recipe. Can optionally save the recipe to file before it’s deleted.


    uninstall recipe [OPTIONS] [RECIPE_NAME]
    ╭─ Arguments ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
    │   recipe_name      [RECIPE_NAME]  The name of the recipe to be uninstalled                          │
    │                                   [default: None]                                                   │
    ╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
    │ --save-to        FILE  File where recipe should be saved before it's removed                        │
    │                        [default: None]                                                              │
  7. Command run.

    The “run” command is used to activate the containers according to the installed recipes. Internally, each installed recipe is made available as a separate sub-command under the “run” command. The parameters of the individual commands depend on the container or application used in the recipe.

    The specific behavior of the command depends on the components used, the application (if used) and the execution mode:

    • Recipe commands with DAEMON execution mode start the container as a separate daemon process, and the console immediately returns to the command prompt.

    • Recipe commands with NORMAL execution mode will start the container, and the console will return to the command prompt only after the container has finished running.

Daemon processes

Containers can be run as daemon processes using the saturnin-daemon tool, or using the saturnin console and installed recipes with DAEMON execution mode. The management of these daemon processes differs depending on the activation method:

  • Processes started with saturnin-daemon must be managed with your own resources (see documentation for the saturnin-daemon tool and working with PID files).

  • Processes started using the saturnin console can be managed in the console using commands for working with daemon processes.

  1. Command list daemons.

    List running Saturnin daemons.


    list daemons


    > list daemons
                            Running daemons
    │ PID   │ Status   │ Recipe │ Description                      │
    │ 14082 │ sleeping │ dummy2 │ Dummy service for test purposes. │
    │ 14087 │ sleeping │ dummy2 │ Dummy service for test purposes. │
  2. Command show daemon.

    Show information about running Saturnin daemon.


    show daemon PID
    ╭─ Arguments ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
    │ *    pid      INTEGER  [default: None] [required]                                                   │


    > show daemon 14082
      Process 14082
    │ Status:         │ sleeping                                                                          │
    │ Created:        │ 2023-03-27 15:14:49                                                               │
    │ Run time:       │ 0:02:58.567710                                                                    │
    │ # threads:      │ 4                                                                                 │
    │ # files:        │ 12                                                                                │
    │ # INET con.:    │ 0                                                                                 │
    │ Name:           │ saturnin-bundle                                                                   │
    │ Executable:     │ /usr/bin/python3.9                                                                │
    │ Cmd. line:      │ /home/job/python/envs/saturnin/bin/python,                                        │
    │                 │ /home/job/python/envs/saturnin/bin/saturnin-bundle, -q,                           │
    │                 │ /home/job/python/projects/saturnin/home/data/recipes/dummy2.cfg                   │
    │ CWD:            │ /home/job/python/projects/saturnin                                                │
    │ User:           │ pcisar                                                                            │
    │ CPU user:       │ 0.28                                                                              │
    │ CPU system:     │ 0.04                                                                              │
    │ CPU I/O wait:   │ 0.0                                                                               │
    │ RSS (bytes):    │ 26.84 MiB                                                                         │
    │ VMS (bytes):    │ 205.64 MiB                                                                        │
    │ Read count:     │ 1013                                                                              │
    │ Write count:    │ 4                                                                                 │
    │ Bytes read:     │ 1445888                                                                           │
    │ Bytes written:  │ 0                                                                                 │
  3. Command stop daemon.

    Stop running Saturnin daemon.


    stop daemon PID
    ╭─ Arguments ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
    │ *    pid      INTEGER  [default: None] [required]                                                   │